12 February 2013


Since I'm still in semi-panic mode over some out of control things, I figure now is as good a time as any to confess to some more of my hidden starts.

My fabric storage area is open to the air - and cat hair. Living between three dirt roads means results in a lot of dust. Those two things don't exactly go well together, but I work with what I've got. Clearing off the shelves to do a little dusting revealed some hidden and forgotten blocks...

For the most part, these are left overs from trying to make a single block to mail in for a family/prayer quilt for the Nephew. These are from very early in my sewing/quilting history - and some of them look way better than others!

My very first attempt at patchwork

It's supposed to be a mushroom and a gnome

While it's kind of nice to see my growth, I don't think the cabins, gnome, or patchwork are anything worth keeping. On the other hand, there's not much to salvage... and I hate to just throw that fabric away - especially the blue swirly sky. I really love that fabric...

The brown almost chevron pattern and the cats are probably worth keeping - if I can figure out something else to go with them. I loved the cat one and very nearly sent it in, but it just didn't seem right for a little boy.

There are a few more oddblocks hanging about my desk. Less forgotten, but with no more direction:

I need to make a few more things that aren't pinwheels! I think I went a little overboard on those!

I have a slightly idea of these coming together in a field of a third fabric, but what it will be, I'm not sure. Maybe a pillow or the exterior of a quilted bag?

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