14 February 2013

Pinterest Challenge: Bubble Up Pizza

Since I've been running low on creativity and energy the last few weeks, much of my evenings have been dedicated to getting my Pinterest boards more organized. While sorting 'inspiration for future!kid's room' from 'future!kid's future closet (haha)' wasn't exactly inspiring, pulling 'desserts' out of 'not desserts' did bring me back in touch with a lot of recipe ideas I've already forgotten I pinned.

One of those was this: Bubble Up Pizza

Yeah, it's only been online at that location a few days. Which means my memory is shot. Yes, I probably need more sleep. Or something. 

I didn't quite have the ingredients described there, but I made do with the assortment of canned biscuits I had, and since we were additional topping-less, we used only tomato sauce, minced garlic, and cheese.

Before baking
An aside - have you ever been told peppermint oil will help deter mice? I think that's a myth. Or I have something other than mice. This was the day I re-oiled the cotton balls scattered throughout my kitchen (hey, at least it makes it smell nice for me), attempted to use disinfecting wipes on a toaster (which may never be clean enough again), moved all my cooking appliances to the pantry (which thus far has been mouse free), and generally had a truly disgusting day cleaning out the lower cupboards. 

Also, there is some iced tea making going on in the back ground. I've been making it with Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea and drinking nearly 2 quarts a day of the stuff. It's amazing. 

Back to pizza.

Forty minutes later, we had this
After baking 
My cheese didn't quite melt into that pizza perfect bubbly goodness that I'd hoped for, but it was melted, and I thought the biscuits were done, so we went for it.

Trying to describe it to anyone else, I'd have to say it's like monkey bread, but with pizza sauce instead of cinnamon sugar. Eating it was a very similar process, which resulted in a slightly bigger mess than I like.

Some of the inner most biscuit pieces weren't quite done, so I should have let it bake a little longer. Trying to know when it was done was actually the most difficult part - it's hard to know if the biscuits are done or not.

I liked the taste, and I can see how it might be a fun - but messy - project if you have kids in the kitchen looking for something to do - but I think I could have used the same ingredients differently and come up with something similar in less time. Cutting up the biscuits was time consuming, and really just added more to the 'to wash' stack (I'm particularly sensitive to that right now since the dish washer is on the outs). It seems like I could have just used the whole biscuits more lasagna style as easily, and I know I could have made up a package of 'just add oil and water' pizza crust in less time, and less mess.

My husband was a fan, but he has yet to do his part of the dishes, so I'm not sure we'll try it again.

If I do try it again, it'll either be for a bigger group or we'll try making a scaled down version (maybe single servings in little containers).

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