11 February 2013

Woah! Weekend....

This was not the relaxing, calm weekend I'd planned.

1) New to us dishwasher, thanks craigslist.

Which meant taking out the old one - and revealing Mouse City. Yuck. Oh, also, turns out the pipes under our sink have been leaking. Strange how the paper towels we store under the sink have been fine... but, guess we'll be getting new pipes soon. Fun. I should get off the computer and load the machine for the first real test run.

2) Finally got an afternoon set aside to go look at a new to me car.

Which means I have about 24 hours to do a massive clean on my old one, just in case I can trade it in. That is a bigger project than it should be. And of course it snowed. Don't get me wrong, we need it. But that did not help my filthy car - hey, I have to drive several dirt roads every week. So, here's to hoping I can still give it a bit of a wash. And crossed fingers that they'll take it!

3) Bridesmaid.

By my age, I'd figured that was an option that had passed me by. And I was okay with that. Surprise! So I have only a couple weeks to find a dress in the right color - not easy, especially not in my size range - and the right shoes - which might be more difficult. I've been searching for black heels for over a year, and have yet to find any that work for me. Chances of finding some in the next few weeks? Slim to nil.

Chances of pulling a dress in the right color and right size off the rack - apparently zero. Which means I've got to find something else. Good thing Mom knows how to sew clothes... Now we're racing to see if the pattern I picked out works. Yikes.

This also means that the idea I've been tossing around about cutting down sugar in my diet is on starting now. I've been feeling over-sugared (Christmas candy followed by conversation hearts will do that to a person), and this is the kick in the butt I need to stop bringing home sugary treats all the time. The goal is to do no candy, no sugary baked goods, and to seriously cut back the soda habit - starting yesterday. So far, that's been easy - but it's only been a few hours, with minimal work and no headaches (why I'm not going zero soda). Things could be more challenging in a few days, but I think my energy level and my skin will thank me for taking in less sugar.

So... I guess I've got a set of new goals to rush through in the next couple weeks. If I'm quiet around here, you'll know why!

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