25 January 2013

Quilt Storage

A few months ago I was given a glass/wood quilt storage chest. Unfortunately, there is honestly no room at my house for another piece of furniture at the moment. So, my mother agreed to temporarily keep it in her living room for me.

Last weekend I finally showed up with some quilts to go in it - and Mom was thrilled to know that it was her house that would be getting decorated.

My full/queen duvet (a high school graduation gift) folded in perfectly, but Great-Grammie's queen-size quilt only barely fit in!

The works of my own that I added (for now) were all fairly small (baby sized), so it was no challenge getting them in - but you can see how much space Great-Grammie's quilt takes up. If I put a little more work into cleaning out the cedar chest (one of the other things I inherited from Great-Grammie), I think I'll move this quilt over to it (along side the other quilt of hers I have).

Both of the quilts I have from my great-grandmother use scrap pieces from outfits she used to wear. The other quilt is blue sash, white blocks with appliqued butterflies made of pieces of dresses and blouses. Neither quilt is a pattern I would want to make (I have a fear of applique, among other issues), but I love having these tangible reminders of my Great-Grammie. She was an amazing woman, and a huge part of my childhood. I consider myself incredibly blessed to have anything of hers - but to have two quilts and a cedar chest is beyond anything I could have expected (that side of the family is not sentimental, but I certainly am). 

I ought to refold the top one (the gift duvet) to show a little more color, but I thought I'd keep this one on top since it's more in keeping with Mom's decorating style than anything else in the chest at the moment!

I hope someday to have enough room - whether here or in our next place (whenever that happens) - to bring the chest to live with me, or to come up with another option of storing the quilts I have, but for now, I'm glad I can bring a little more color to Mom and Dad's living room.

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