29 January 2013

Small Project Marathon

I had a fairly light day at work - and a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. So I hit up JoAnns, and then spent an evening watching Harry Potter movies out of the corner of my eye and playing around with two little projects.

I have to show off my new purchase. I have no idea what I'll do with it - and I already broke this year's rule of only buying fabric I have plans for - but I could not leave it behind!

My picture doesn't do it justice. Trust me. It's adorable. I have no idea what I'll use it for - maybe the back of a baby quilt? - but it was too darling to ignore.

Also purchased at the same time:

I did have a plan for these little Owl Chefs - and I started on that immediately upon returning home.

For the last 2+ years, our curtains in the kitchen have looked something like this:

Which worked. Much better than the mini blinds that were there when we moved in (they fell off the wall the first time I tried to use them and I never felt like I should put them back up). And while I still think these are cute towels, we've both been searching for the next look for this window for a while.

I can be certain that any time my husband comes with me to a fabric store, he will go down the rows after me and point out anything he likes. He has yet to miss a fabric that contains owls. So, when he spotted the little cooking/baking owls, I figured that would fit the space as well as anything else we'd seen.

Within an hour of being home with my new fabric, I had measured the space, cut the owl fabric and a white solid fabric, sewn them together, and had them hanging in the window.

Again, it's not easy to take photos at night, but I think even so you'll see it's an improvement over the towels!

I'm not going to be a morning person, but I'm actually eager to get up tomorrow morning and see how these look with some sunlight behind them!

Edited to add morning photos: 

I do expect they'll fade a little over time, and if they ever need washed I'll first need to run a top stitch all the way around to close the opening where I turned them outside out, but they make me happy - and I think that's the whole point of kitchen decorations. Okay, I suppose some people might want curtains for privacy reasons too... but happiness is still high on the list around here!

Fresh off my success from the curtains, I started a book mini quilt. Twice. Even though there are tutorials, even ones I have linked to and ought to have clicked over to, I thought I could wing it. Twice. My first attempt was a little cuter - but by the end not only were the books all looking more like magazines (way too skinny) but the whole thing was a bit more fan shaped than rectangular. My second attempt went together much more easily - even if I did have less dear fabric scraps left to choose from.

I'm  not usually one to keep selvages, so finding this many in my scraps was lucky. I wish I'd had a few more, but I suppose I could always go back and add them. Or maybe I'll save them up for the next time I try my hand at something like this. It could be cute as a larger quilt...

Not bad for an evening that started with no plans at all!

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