05 July 2013

Momo Mini Quilt

Whoops - I actually made this a couple months ago and never got around to sharing it. Okay, it's not super exciting, but since I hung it up as part of this month's decorations, I figured it deserved a little attention here as well.

Inspiration: Cat's Cradle quilt pattern

Using the quilt top cats as inspiration, I made one of my own - just eyeballing pieces until they came together how I wanted. I knew I wanted mine to be a little less rectangular, coming in between the shoulders and the cheeks - which was an easy adaptation to make.

My attempt at front legs could still use some improvement - I think I should have gone more in the direction of my inspiration with something a bit more organic. Fortunately, the lines show up with less intensity without flash photography or photo editing. I still love the overall shape/size/design of the cat - and the added button on the collar is just too cute!

It came together quickly - and I imagine with a pattern it would be even faster - but I don't know that it's something I could see myself making several of for a quilt top. Then again, some day I'm going to have to do one with repeating blocks... Probably soon!

I attached the button only with a spare basting pin (bent safety pin) just in case I ever need to wash this thing or something. This was also made from the very last few scraps of grey flannel. While this was a remnant bin pick up from somewhere, it's been some of my favorite fabric so far this year. I'm usually not so good at picking up neutrals (so guilty of jumping for the cute character type prints and skipping the foundational neutral or single color pieces), but this one has been absolutely perfect. I'm going to have to look for some kind of replacement. 

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