07 January 2014

2014 Goals/Dreams/Hopes

It's not much of a start, but this is as far as I've gotten on making a goals for this year list:

The 2014 Goal/Dream List:
  1. Sell our old car
  2. Another photo challenge or something to help me improve my photography
  3. Trip to see Baby C and her family (Spring or Summer)
  4. Go visit in-laws 
  5. Finish A Song of Ice and Fire series 
  6. Read 5+ non-fiction books 
  7. Wear nail polish on my fingers one day a month (or more) 
  8. Donate or dispose of 100 things from within the house
  9. Renaissance Festival trip 
  10. Attend Greg's high school reunion
  11. Put an extra $50/month toward savings (most/all months)
  12. Take a family photo every month season
  13. Make 2-3 Birthday packages (nothing too elaborate)
  14. Make 1+ small Welcome Baby Package 
  15. Have the piano tuned
  16. Get a clothes line
  17. Replace the coffee table (it's falling apart and not worth the effort to fix)
  18. Figure out what to do with our 2010-present photos (redo current book into 2-3 smaller ones?)
  19. New rugs for the kitchen
  20. Fix or replace the duvet cover - In Progress! 
  21. Finish reading "The Outlaws of Sherwood" (Robin McKinley) aloud, and "Scarlet" (Marissa Meyer), and "Steadfast" (Mercedes Lackey) - In Progress! 
  22. Do something more social with sewing/quilting: join a swap, or a bee, or a quilt along. It's time to meet some people and make friends. 
  23. Take a class in something. Preferably not online. 
  24. Update the dvd storage 
  25. Zero late fees at the library 
  26. Progress on the shoe situation: black pumps, 
  27. Try a new restaurant or cuisine at least twice this year
  28. Use stash fabric. More of it, anyway. 
  29. Small birthday party Sounds like this one is already beyond the realm of possibilities... 
  30. Significant progress on the larger house front 

Things to Make in 2013
  1. Make the Ditto quilt (I own the pattern and the tool, just haven't used it yet)
  2. A 'solids' quilt
  3. 2013 cross stitch portrait
  4. 2014 cross stitch portrait
  5. Vintage Sheet quilt (probably value stars, pixel heart, or something similar)
  6. Complete the quilts for our bed

I'm sure I'll come up with more as things go on, but this is a start... I think. 

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