05 September 2012

Wedding Present Thing...

After shelving Rainbow Road for the time being, I spent a while looking at other quilts for inspiration. Most of the quilts I have pinned or filed away for future inspiration are difficult for me to imagine as something other than a baby quilt - but I finally found some inspiration on Pinterest. Where else!?

Inspired by a pin of Freemotion by the River's Midnight Glow Quilt (click on over - it's beautiful) I've come up with a plan I'm much more confident I can finish - not only within my budget, but within my timeline and skill set.

Something more like this:

110 black blocks, framed by colorful borders. With a few wonky stars thrown in - if I have the left over fabric to do it. I know it sounds like a lot of blocks, but if each one's finished (sewn together) size is 8 inches square I should end up with a quilt about 80 by 88, which the internet tells me is a good size for two adults to share (and some sites tell me that's the proper measurement for a 'full' size quilt). This should be my largest quilt to date - another reason why simplifying the project is probably a good idea.

Thanks to some Labor Day sales, I went ahead and picked up the fabric. 

This is my first time working with batik fabric - but I loved the candy-like colors and the tie-dye appearance. And I think the recipients will too.

It's usually a toss up as to whether I'll wash the fabric before working with it or not. This time there's no question. I've already run the batik pieces through the wash once - and I'm debating whether I ought to put them through again.

I usually give my quilts some kind of name, even if it's a temporary name while I work on them, but I haven't come up with the right name for this yet. Maybe once I start working on it, the right name will come to me...

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