03 September 2012

August Wrap Up

August Goals
IF I get the Kenmore back in time to do anything with it: - I did get it back fairly early in the month, but I didn't finish either of these two things. I think my machine is working well (though I still wish taking it in had resulted in my not hearing that noise again, I only heard it the first two times I used the machine) - but I'm having a hard time getting the tension set right for pretty stitches. I'm not going to machine quilt or piece binding until I've got that working right. And if I don't get it figured out soon, I'll be asking my friends who sew/quilt (or calling my friend the home ec. teacher!) what I'm doing wrong. 
  • Quilt Procrastination 1/2 Squares Quilt
  • Try my hand at sewing an article of clothing
If I don't? 
  • Reading. 
In addition to these things, I also managed to take and edit photos for another project, catch more mice with my hands and feet than any of our traps (2:0), work almost every week day, go to my first ever quilt show/festival, do something social with friends every week, almost get a dog, and attend two family reunions. August didn't feel like a terribly busy month, but it sounds busy when I start listing everything! 

Time to start turning my brain in an autumnal direction. For me, August is still summer. But we've had a couple nights of below 50 degree temperatures - so now that it's nearly September, I'd better start adjusting to the idea of autumn again. 

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