26 November 2012

Pinterest Challenge: Pickle Dip

I love pickles. I tease my husband that there won't be any telling when I'm pregnant since I already eat pickles and ice cream - not quite together, but often within minutes of each other. I'm also the one who gets called when Grandma winds up with a spicier than expected batch of homemade pickles. I try to share those jars with my husband, but he's got to be fast. I can - and will - eat an entire jar of Grandma's accidentally spicy pickles in a day.

So when I stumbled across a pin for something called Pickle Dip, I knew it was only a matter of time before I wound up making it. I started with this recipe from Homemade By Harper.

Woah, I didn't realize until just now that I basically took the same picture!  

So, here's what we do:

16 oz low fat sour cream
12 oz cream cheese
Most of a 42 oz jar of zesty garlic pickles (diced)
1/2 cup pickle brine
Garlic seasoning salt to taste

If you have one, this is a good time to break out the food processor. A couple of seconds of processing and the pickles are practically perfect - trust me, it's much better than attempting to dice them by hand.

I just throw everything in a big bowl and break out my electric hand mixer.

It's not bad immediately after mixing, but I found it was much better 12-24 hours later. I didn't have any issues with the liquid separating from the mixture, and the flavor only seemed to get better as the tip got older. Not that it had a chance to get too old! The first batch lasted three days, the second lasted less than 36 hours. (To be fair, it went to Thanksgiving dinner, so it wasn't all me.)

I should never have made this. It's way too dangerous. I can't tell you the last time I bought potato chips - now we've gone through more bags of them than I want to admit to. And I want to make more. Today.

I haven't warned my family, but I strongly suspect this will be making an appearance at Christmas dinner as well. After the reception it got at Thanksgiving, I'm thinking it's a pretty good option to bring - especially since I know there are some more pickle lovers on that side of the family.

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