08 November 2012

Typing with Crossed Fingers

This is going to be a bit of a teaser - because I can't tell you anything more yet... I'm not trying to be mysterious, just cautious.

Yesterday afternoon we entered a waiting game for a huge opportunity.

There's a lot up in the air right now, on multiple levels.

There are several pieces that are going to have to all work together if this is to be. While we've already been doing some negotiating and bargaining towards the outcome we want, one of those pieces is a very clear yes or no, with no room for negotiations.

If this comes together, you'll be the first to know. If it doesn't? Well... I'll at least mention that it didn't work out, but I won't get into the details.

So, fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in getting your own TARDIS. I know that such a thing is a fabulous opportunity that many Whovians will be most jealous of you for. I hope yours comes sans weird space-time villians/creatures.
