28 May 2013

New Project

Back when I was shopping for fabric for the Twin Quilts, I got sucked in to the precut sale area of my favorite quilt shop, and to no one's surprise, I came home with a charm pack of Good Fortune by Kate Spain.

Which then sat on top of my basket of batting scraps and taunted me for the next five months.

So, last week when I had an unexpected bit of cash lying around, I went shopping for some inspiration for how to use this fabric.

Which yes, meant another drive to my favorite shop, followed by too many minutes of me creeping around the store silently trying to absorb all the creativity.

I came home with a couple yards of fabric - and a plan.

As usual, the photo really doesn't do any justice to any of the fabrics.

I didn't pay any attention to what the yardages are called - but the white has these adorable, kind of dandelion seed like pieces in a light metallic and is just about the most adorable white fabric I've ever seen. No, really. I showed it to my husband and his immediate response was "If you have any left over, I want something made with that." That's pretty high praise for a fabric. (And yes, I had enough for what he wanted and then some.)

The floral print isn't a match to the charm pack, but I think it's going to look great together anyway. I just kept coming back to it and trying to decide what to use it for (my other thought was to make a bag out of it, but I'm actually not much of a floral print person, and I just couldn't quite see it working for me in the long run). As much as I generally shy away from floral prints (which you might not believe looking at that photo), I just was completely won over by the gorgeous bold colors.

While I'm not worried about reality not living up to my expectations (for once), I do have two concerns with this newest project.
1) I have never worked with much white negative space before, but I'm thinking I definitely need to prewash the pink floral backing. I would cry if the white came out of the wash even a little pink. In general, I usually take my chances (in part because I so rarely work with huge amounts of white) but for this one, I'm thinking caution is a good approach.
2) I have a plan for the top, and the quilting, but I am a little worried a very straight line quilting might clash a little with the organic looking print of the back. Since the quilting I have in mind is something that can be looser or denser, I'm thinking I'll start by going big (looser) and then, if the two patterns aren't clashing badly, I can always come back and add more quilting.

I had to wait for a day of decent weather to get a picture of this one before I shared anything about it. Squee! I love it so much! 

Oh, and I know my names for things tend to be either silly or boring, but I've already got a name for this one - and I'm thinking that even though it'll be perfect size for a crib, it's probably staying with me. Maybe I'll include a way to hang it up when I'm finishing it. It would make a cute wall hanging...

Between needing to prewash the backing material, and wanting to baste two quilts at once, it may be a while before I make any more progress on this one. But it is serving as motivation to keep picking away on the second quilt I'd like to baste at the same time (more on that later this week).

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