15 March 2012

Pinterest Challenge: Roast Beef Crescents

Pinterest is bad for my oversubscribed Google Reader. I followed a pin for buffalo chicken crescents (which have since become a weekly thing at my house) and almost immediately added Plain Chicken to my reader.

So a little bit later when the recipe for French Dip Crescents crossed my reader (and was immediately pinned), I knew I would be coming back to this one. What can I say, I have a weakness for anything rolled in a crescent.

The recipe is pretty simple - a can of crescent rolls, 4 slices provolone, roast beef deli slices, and some horseradish sauce. It took a few minutes for me to find horseradish sauce at my store, but other than that, this was painless.
Just popped into the oven. 
And the results? Delicious.

Just out of the oven. Mmm... crispy cheese... 
We aren't big on the actual dip part of a French Dip, so for us, these were just roast beef crescents. A couple of these with some vegetarian baked beans and we had a fast, yummy lunch.

These are definitely going into the usual rotation. The only thing I'll change next time? Stronger horseradish sauce!

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