Adding the side panels went well, though I struggled a bit on the top and bottom panel. It's amazing the difference a few inches can make. Finding the space to work with pieces that large took some creativity, and I wound up on my living room floor. That's far from ideal for a number of reasons, so I think after this I'd better stick with smaller quilts until I have more dedicated quilting space.
Undaunted, I made a back. With "help":
Working on the living room floor is not ideal, but the cat likes it. |
And hit a snag when my full sized batting didn't match the full size quilt dimensions I'd been working from. So I got to cut it down. And now it is not quite square.
But that's okay. What is the motto with this quilt? Imperfections make it easier to use.
I finished my edges on the Giant Star my favorite (lazy) way. I think it's called a quick turn. So my front, batting, and back are all attached at the edge and just waiting for me to go around again to close my opening. That will be the easy part.
*The first and last time I went to a quilt shop was for a class. I dropped out during the first break. What did I learn? I need something more beginner than their beginning level classes. So the idea of going into a shop again is more than a little intimidating.
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