14 August 2012

Good to Sew?

I've got my Janome/Kenmore machine back and I'm ready to put it to the test!

So, what was wrong?

Well, things inside were "very dry" and a belt needed to be tightened up a little.

That's all?


Turns out I've been using the wrong kind of bobbin.

Normally, I'd be embarrassed about this kind of thing but this is a second hand machine. And it came with more than a dozen bobbins. Bobbins the first owner had used in it for years. All of which are the wrong kind.

It actually turns out that I should be using the same kind of bobbin for both of my machines. Which means I don't even have to buy more any time soon.

While I'm glad that wasn't the only thing needing looked at on the machine, I'm also thrilled that it's an easy 'fix' on my part. And now that the Kenmore's been seen to, it should be good to sew for the next year or two before needing another check-up.

Meanwhile, I've started looking at tickets to a quilt festival near me. So far I've avoided going to any festivals, and I've more or less stayed out of Real Quilt Shops. Why? I'm shy and nervous about being a beginner, but I'm trying to get over that. I've stopped saying I'm a beginning quilter and started just saying 'I quilt'. That's a step. I think the next step might be to start going to these kinds of things and start meeting other people who quilt.

 After my first stripe of stitching, I lifted my foot off the pedal and immediately was rewarded by the noise that started me thinking I needed to take it to a shop. I tried again the next day with similar results. It seems to happen any time the machine's speed is on the slow side. I'm trying to determine if it's possibly something I did when loading the thread (unlikely) or if I need to take it back.


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